Scene Summaries
Writing Checklists
Character Profile Sheets
Location Outlines
16 Story Steps
Ongoing Resources
Each scene is designed to carry the story and add significance to the overall plot.
Use these scene summary templates to outline your scenes and ensure they deliver!
Use these handy checklists to ensure you have everything in place during the various phases of writing.
Checklists include; planning, drafting, editing, publishing and promoting your novel.
Keep track of comprehensive details ensuring consistency in character. These character sheets provide 48 prompts for each character and include photos for visual effects.
Generating a complete outline can be exhausting, but regardless of how far you’ve progressed with your story it’s essential to map it out. These 16 steps are adapted from 'The Hero's Journey'.
Locations reveal a lot about each scene or chapter. When well thought-out they can bring a lot to the story. Create well-crafted settings that draw your readers into the story.
Once you sign up with Novel Suite we will send you ongoing resources as they are produced. Free of charge.
These include pitching packages, self-publication packs, plot diagrams, character and scene development tools and much more!
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100% of the proceeds from these resources goes to ‘Room to Read’.
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