An Early Intervention is the opportunity to have your plot aligned before investing time and energy on completing your masterpiece. A professional assessor will evaluate your story, identify strengths and weaknesses, detect potential plot holes and make recommendations for improvements. The validation of your novel’s foundations and structure significantly promote confidence in your writing from that point forward.
Novel writing is a cyclical process. Planning, drafting and editing tend to revolve in a continuous motion. Developing a solid foundation in the early stages will save time, effort and heartache.
An Early Intervention can be carried out at any time before the novel is complete, but early in the drafting phase is highly recommended. The clarity that is provided by the assessment will guide and streamline the rest of the writing process.
Eight times out of ten, writers give up on their book while it is still in the draft phase when they discover the story outline lacks proper structure. By rectifying this in the early stages, you are much more likely to complete the book.
The assessment is not an editing service. The focus at this stage is not on the writing itself, but on the plotline of the story. Writing style, unfinished segments, and grammatical issues aren’t considered at this stage.
This assessment is designed to provide the foundations on which the story will be written. Please see our editing services and manuscript assessments for completed novels if you are interested in these services.
''What if my story is no good?''
''There might be a plot hole that I haven’t noticed.''
''I could spend a year writing a book that is then assessed as being structurally unsound.''
''Are my characters believable?''
''Will my twist or mystery idea work?''
These concerns, along with any other issues you personally raise, will be addressed during the early intervention assessment.
1. A complete draft of the first chapter and/or prologue.
2. A one-page synopsis, including the ending of the story. (Novel Suite can provide a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement if there is a twist, mystery or any other idea or information to be protected).
3. The completed form that is provided in the application package.
4. Full payment or the request for a payment plan.
An in-depth report outlining the strengths and weaknesses of the story.
The report will include the following:
1. A written assessment of the plot outline and structure of the novel.
2. The pace and sequence of events will be evaluated and visually mapped.
3. Recommendations and suggestions for improvement.
4. A study of the main character’s journey, along with the relevance and appropriateness of the full cast of characters.
5. Advice on potential weaknesses and suggestions to improve these elements.
Early Intervention assessments will be completed within five days of submission.
An Early Intervention truly is the greatest investment any writer can make. An initial assessment aligns all the elements of your novel in the early stages, meaning you save a significant amount of time and effort on second-guessing, scrapping and rewriting. The heightened confidence that follows the assessment will generate even better results for your writing.
The assessment costs $599 for a five-day turn-around.
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