Marketing your book is imperative for every author. You’ll spend a lot of time getting people to become aware of your book, and the first thing they will see is the book cover.
First impressions are formed very quickly, and a professional cover design can set you apart from being perceived as a novice.
The cover also tells the potential reader what they might expect. It can communicate genre, tone, and pictures from within the story.
Using a professional book cover design service is highly recommended. Traditional publishing houses don’t have their authors DIY, and neither should you.
Our book covers are designed specifically for your novel and are tailor-made to create a unique reflection of your story.
Often times, writers just need a cover for their book so they can get it to market.
Novel Suite provide quick turnaround times for simple designs. These designs are unique to your publication and the author is asked to select from a range of images and design types. The author has one round of revisions before the final product is delivered.
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